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“The office confirms that all films screened in cinemas across the country are subject to follow-up and evaluation before the date of screening to the public, to ensure the safety of the circulated content according to the appropriate age classification. Shadman Pokemon Trainer Tracy Scops Jessica Jones Spiderman John Persons The Milf Pact DC Comics Reveal New Female Batman Named Bryce Wayne HQ Brasil: Homem de Gelo (Bobby Drake) hot men nude gay comic, naked gay comics, big dick gay. The film “is not licensed for public screening in all cinemas in the UAE, due to its violation of the country’s media content standards,” the office said in a tweet. The Emirates, home to Abu Dhabi and Dubai, announced through its Media Regulatory Office of the country’s Ministry of Youth and Culture that “Lightyear” would not be opening in the country on Thursday. The UAE ban raises the possibility that other Muslim-majority nations could follow suit on what is expected to be one of Disney’s biggest animated films of the year as the film industry comes out of the depths of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Malaysia also reportedly will ban the film. The United Arab Emirates on Monday banned the upcoming Pixar animated feature “Lightyear” from showing in movie theaters because of its inclusion of a kiss between two lesbian characters.

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